The Catholic Church in South West Queensland LIVE STREAM MASS ASH WEDNESDAY

Safeguarding Children, Young People and Adults at Risk in Our Community


Our Commitment

In the Diocese of Toowoomba we take a zero-tolerance approach to all forms of abuse. We commit ourselves to ensure the safety and well-being of children, young people and adults at risk in our community. The best interests of the child, young person or adult at risk come first.

We commit to positive and immediate response to those who have experienced abuse in our diocese. We commit to effective prevention of abuse in our diocese, parish by parish, through improving our safeguarding practices and policies and providing safeguarding training and education to diocesan and parish personnel and communities. We commit to continuous learning on the safeguarding and well-being of children, young people and adults at risk, within and beyond our community. We welcome advice and support from independent experts in the wider community.

The implementation of our Diocesan Safeguarding Policy through its related procedures and practices is essential to preventing and addressing abuse in the diocese.

Our Diocesan Safeguarding Policy and the commitments it gives rise to are grounded in Christian faith, as found in the person, values, words and actions of Jesus and in the living faith experience of the Christian community from its beginning. This Christian faith gives rise to an unqualified belief in the dignity and worth of every person, especially of those least able to exercise or assert their human value and rights in the community. Christian faith calls us to work generously for the common good of all people by focusing first on those on the margins of the community, those in greatest human need. Our safeguarding ministry is faith in action.

Our Diocesan Safeguarding Policy applies to all leadership and ministry personnel in the diocese: Bishop, Priests, Deacons, Parish Leaders, Religious, Pastoral Associates, Agency Coordinators, Parish Secretaries, students on training placements in the diocese, all employees and all volunteers in parish or diocesan ministries.

At the same time, our Diocesan Safeguarding Policy applies to all members of parish communities and ministries. The whole community is responsible for the safeguarding of children, young people and adults at risk in our midst.

Policies and Resources

Safeguarding Policy for Children, Young People and Adults at Risk (14 April 2023)

National Catholic Safeguarding Standards (Edition 2: November 2022)

Diocesan Safeguarding Commitment Statement (8 March 2024)

Parish Safeguarding Commitment Statement (14 April 2023) – template

Parish Safeguarding Posters


Child Friendly Resources


Safeguarding Code of Conduct (14 April 2023)

Receiving and Recording a Disclosure Form (14 April 2023)

Reporting a Disclosure or Allegation to Authorities Form (14 April 2023)

Parish Ministry Volunteers: Safeguarding Requirements. A Guide for Parish Leadership Personnel (14 April 2023)

Parish Ministry Volunteer Application Form (14 April 2023)

Parish Ministry Blue Card Register (14 April 2023)

Parish Ministry: Volunteer Performance Review Form (14 April 2023)

Safeguarding Risk Management Strategy: Children, Young People and Adults at Risk (14 April 2023)


Safeguarding Complaints Management Policy (14 April 2023)


Kid’s Safety Guide (14 April 2023)

Parish Checklist on Implementing National Catholic Safeguarding Standards (Ed2 November 2022) (14 April 2023)

Parish Review of Sacramental Programs and Children’s Activities (14 April 2023)

Parish Brochure: Community Safeguarding Support and Abuse Prevention Programs Guide (14 April 2023)

Online Training: GRC Solutions (SALT)

Safeguarding Referee Interview Guide: Recruitment and Screening (14 April 2023)

Safeguarding Disciplinary and Grievance Guide (14 April 2023)

Responding Positively to a Known Offender Guide (14 April 2023)

Third Party use of Parish Facilities Guide (14 April 2023)

Blue Card Administration: Application, Renewal, Linking, Registering…

Criminal History Check (Police Check)


National Redress Scheme (NRS) Matters


Safeguarding Record Keeping and Information Sharing Guide (14 April 2023)

National Response Protocol (May 2022)

National Response Framework (July 2022)

Safeguarding Prayer


Diocese of Toowoomba Safeguarding Audit Report, March 2022

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