The Catholic Church in South West Queensland LIVE STREAM MASS ASH WEDNESDAY


Important Forms

Protocol to Obtain Approval for Speakers from Outside the Diocese
This form is to be completed by anyone who wishes to invite outside speakers to the Diocese. This form MUST be completed and returned to the Bishop’s Office for approval PRIOR to any outside speakers being invited. Any questions relating to the completion of this form, please contact the Bishop’s Office on 07 4632 4277 or email

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For Ministries and Parishes wishing to submit content, change details, promote an event, etc., email submissions to the Webmaster.


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Privacy Policy and Resources


Liturgical Resources

Guiding Principles for Celebrating the Sacraments of Initiation with Children:  These principles provide a framework for the process of preparing children and their families for celebrating the sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist. Download DLC Guidelines

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion:
These guidelines provide a framework for lay ministers across the diocese, who assist with the distribution of Holy Communion during Mass. They are a summary of the role as described in the General Instructions of the Roman Missal. It is recommended that parishes distribute these guidelines to all Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. Download DLC Guidelines

Guidelines for bringing Communion to the Sick and Housebound: These guidelines are a summary of the principles outlined in the rites and introduction to the book Pastoral Care of the Sick: Rites of Anointing and Viaticum. The guidelines draw attention to the true purpose and nature of the ministry. It is recommended that parishes distribute these to all extra-ordinary ministers of communion who visit and take communion to the sick. Download DLC Guidlines

Guidelines for Celebrating the Rite of Confirmation: These resources provide a detailed outline of what is required to prepare for celebrating the Rite of Confirmation. See also the pro-forma for the Rite of Confirmation Outside of Mass & the Rite of Confirmation with First Holy Communion.

Download Celebrating the Rite of Confirmation
Download Confirmation Outside of Mass
Download Rite of Confirmation with First Holy Communion

Guidelines for Prayer of the Faithful: These guidelines highlight the function and nature of the Universal Prayer and are intended to assist in the preparation and presentation of liturgically meaningful petitions which will inspire the ‘Prayer of the Faithful’. Download DLC Guidlines

Guidelines for the Use of Data Projectors Within Mass: Everything we do in liturgy should enhance and uplift the sacred words and actions
which take place and we must be careful that projected data does not become the main focus for the assembly.

Download Letter from Bishop Robert McGuckin
Download DLC Guidelines for Use of Data Projectors

Domestic Rituals Book: A resource for families compiled by the Liturgical Commission, Diocese of Toowoomba. In the past it was understood that only ordained priests could pray a blessing upon a person or thing.  With the renewal of the Second Vatican Council the Church reclaimed the right of lay persons to pray blessings within their household settings.  This document is sample list of suggestions for the use of blessings within a family or small community setting. Download Domestic Rituals Book.

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