The Catholic Church in South West Queensland LIVE STREAM MASS ASH WEDNESDAY

Sts James and John Parish, Clifton

Parish Office

Parish Office: 11 Meara Place, Clifton
Postal Address: PO Box 78, Clifton 4361
Office Telephone: (07) 4697 3177
Fax: (07) 4697 3855
Parish Clergy: Fr Warren Padilla PACEM, Adm

Fr Brian Redondo


St Francis de Sales School

Churches and Mass Times

St Matthew’s Church, Leyburn

Sts James and John Church, Clifton

  • Get Directions to Mass Centre
  • Mass and Service Times:
    Day Mass/Service Type Time
    Monday & Friday Mass 8:30am (wintertime) or 9:00am
    1st Sunday Mass 7:30am
    2nd, 3rd & 5th Sunday Mass Saturday Vigil 7:00pm
    4th Sunday Mass 9:30am
    Nirvana Nursing Home
    1st and 3rd Thursday
    Mass 9:00am
  • More Info
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