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Bequests – Outreach to the Future

Bequests – Outreach to the Future

Not only can we make a change to people around us today, we can also outreach to the future long after we’re gone. Here’s some common questions and answers about Bequest giving.

See Fact Sheets for wording details for your will.

What is a bequest?

Quite simply, it is a donation left in a will. It can be a gift of a specific dollar amount or percentage of an estate. It can also be a gift of items like property, possessions, stock or insurance payout.
Catholics have traditionally demonstrated their love of the church and their desire to perpetuate its ministries and mission through bequest giving. It is a wonderful feeling to know that a gift to the diocese or a parish after a lifetime’s work keeps giving and continues the church’s work. Through the vision of these gracious friends, our church family reaches the lives of future generations.
Through an estate, a donor may leave a specific dollar amount or reserve a certain percentage of the estate after provisions for family members and other beneficiaries have been made. The donor may stipulate whether the gift is for the general support of the church, or for specific purposes – such as supporting a special ministry or institution. A bequest may also be made in honour or memory of another individual.


Why leave a bequest?

We all know how significant a will is. Once you become an adult, begin working, gain assets, start a family, a will becomes one of the most critical documents in your life. It ensures that family and loved ones are provided for when you are no longer there.
A bequest to the Diocese of Toowoomba, it’s ministries and parishes, also cares for the broader church family. It is a gift that reaches into the future to continue the work of the church in the local community.
Many Catholics feel this is a significant way to thank God for blessings they have received during their lifetime.


I can only make a small bequest, does this matter?

Not at all. A gift, no matter how big or small in value, is always received with appreciation. The diocese, its ministries and parishes are honoured and grateful to be remembered in your will.


How do I include the diocese in my will?

The correct terminology must be used when making a bequest. Set out below are the recommended ways of making a gift to the diocese, your parish or a specific ministry or institution.
We recommend you seek legal advice when considering making a bequest and making your will. Forms of wording for inclusion in your will are supplied in the Fact Sheets below. If you require any further information regarding making a bequest to the diocese, please contact the Diocesan Finance Office on (07) 46327589 or email us. All discussions regarding a bequest intention will be treated in the strictest confidence, and incur no obligation to follow any particular course of action.


Should I let the diocese know of my bequest?

If you have already made an estate provision for your parish or the diocese or you are intending to do so, please feel free to let us know so we can thank you for your generous gift and remember you and your family in our prayers. We would also like to keep in touch with you and keep you up to date with happenings within the diocesan family.


Fact Sheets

Fact Sheet 1 – Bequest to the Toowoomba Diocese and Ministries

Fact Sheet 2 – Bequest to a Parish within the Toowoomba Diocese

Fact Sheet 3 – Bequest to a School within the Toowoomba Diocese

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